Cookie Policy

Spruce Island Husky’s website uses cookies as described below. By continuing to use the website, you consent to our use of cookies in accordance with this cookie policy.

  1. A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies are used for certain functions that improve the website for the user or provide us with statistics about site usage. We do not save any personal information via cookies. The statistics cannot be linked to individuals. Information about the visitor cannot be tracked via cookies. A cookie cannot start programs.
  2. Spruce Island Husky’s website uses three different types of cookies:
    • The first type stores permanent files on the visitor’s computer that help the website perform optimally.
    • The second type is called a session cookie, which is only stored temporarily and remembers various settings or choices made during the specific visit. A session cookie disappears when the browser is closed.
    • The third type collects statistics about visits to the website. All collected statistics are anonymized and cannot be linked to individuals. This type is also used to customize marketing materials based on website usage.
  3. You can choose to allow cookies or not. If you don’t want to accept cookies, this can be set in your browser settings. Most browsers accept all cookies automatically by default. Most browsers give visitors the option to block all cookies. More information on how to change cookie settings in other browsers can be found in the browser’s Help menu. If you choose not to accept cookies, the website’s functionality cannot be guaranteed.

Here’s how to turn off cookie storage in your browser: